Los Angeles Times:

Taped Theater Treasures for Youths

"Globalstage, filling a unique niche in the home video market, seeks out and tapes theater-for-youth productions here and abroad for audiences ages 7 to 14. These two splendid productions [Playing from the Heart and Island of Dr. Moreau] are prize finds, the best to date...

[Island of Dr. Moreau has] a terrific cast ... a literate taut script... [The] staging is equally taut, giving charged dimension to scenes with Moreau's failures... Through- out, Moreau justifies his mission to the audience -- You call horror what is beauty, if you had eyes to see" -- and demands that they consider questions about theology, morality and humanity: Where is the line between beast and man, God and man? ...

Globalstage scores high marks again with Playing from the Heart, a fact based world premiere production about hearing-impaired professional solo percussionist Evelyn Glennie...Creatively filmed...[a] lyrical drama...[Evelyn Glennie is] stunningly portrayed by Louise Bolton..."

New York Times:

Included in Highlights for Kids:

"Pinocchio: The Globalstage Family Theater Adventures presents this classic tale with colorful sets and original songs."

"Frankenstein: Play based on Mary Shelley's novel."

Copley Wire Service:

"...This San Francisco company films ... theatrical productions geared toward youths. These plays challenge kids to think, feel and react in enriching ways few youth oriented movies do today."

Scripps Howard Wire:

"It's hard to overstate how valuable the Globalstage series of plays is ... The hits just keep comin' ...Judging by my five year old daughter's engrossment in these productions, the subject matter [of Island of Dr. Moreau]...is no problem. The acting is impeccable... For older kids, say 10 and up, this production is an irresistible package. Same goes for us really old kids. Grade: A"
Dallas Morning News:

From an article reviewing several videos, including two Disney videos, Hercules: Zero to Hero, Belle's Tales of Friendship, and a Globalstage video, Island of Dr. Moreau.

The Globalstage section of the review, following the Disney section, begins:

"Thought Process
Getting back to quality, Globalstage Productions makes no bones about going for the cerebral set with its video versions of challenging theatre for children. Think older children, though - mature and curious enough to explore the classics in a dramatic, interpretive way...."

The reviewer gives Island of Dr. Moreau three stars, a significantly higher rating than the Disney tapes, which she gives one and two stars respectively.

From another article reviewing several videos, including Pinocchio:

"[Pinocchio is] one of the most inspired presentations of existing material...It's hard to find an idea more worthy of success than Globalstage...My 4-year-old was mesmerized by ... Pinocchio...It's [also] a natural for classrooms...The skillful filming recalls the heights of BBC's wonderful old Masterpiece Theatre - this time, crafted for kids, with enough depth for their adult companions to explore and enjoy."

She gives Pinocchio three and a half stars, while giving the Disney and Warner Brothers' videos reviewed in the same column respective half a star and one star.

The Globalstage series includes:

* The Three Musketeers
* Island of Dr. Moreau
* Playing from the Heart
* Far from the Madding Crowd
* Cyrano
* Pinocchio
* Frankenstein

For more information or to order:

Call us: 1 (888) 324-5623
Or go to: www.globalstage.net

Chicago Tribune:

"Globalstage productions serve to introduce kids to the wonders of theater. Their interest could turn out to be lifelong.

Globalstage is based on a great idea: filming excellent theater productions from the United States and other countries and putting them out on video...

Globalstage [...manages] to capture some of the intimacy and a good portion of the excitement of the theater. Part of the success is due to the excellent way the plays are filmed, with camera movements that enhance the emotions of the actors and underscore the action....

Pinocchio will certainly please younger children...The setting and ... costumes [in Frankenstein] beautifully evoke the time period ... Special props provide the gore the story requires... Young people, who are going through a stage when they feel uncomfortable in their bodies and often fixate their love on someone unattainable, should have no trouble relating to Cyrano....

These Globalstage videos have an extra attraction. Not only do they give youngsters a chance to watch excellent theater, but they include interesting food for thought. Each one is introduced by Elizabeth McNamer...[Her] enthusiasm for theatre soon becomes infectious."

See Globalstage also in:

San Francisco Magazine
Publishers Weekly
Stanford Magazine
Video Librarian
Orange County Register
Oakland Tribune
San Mateo County Times
San Jose Mercury News
Seattle Times
Boston Herald
New York Daily News
The Sun News
Wisconsin State Journal
Billings Gazette
Houston Chronicle
The News Record, Wyoming
Northwest Cable News
ABC Affiliated News, Portland